Women in Tech

When I start talking about diversity in tech there’s a few points I usually like to make. Because I come from both a tech and engineering background there is a lot of overlap with women in Engineering roles and women working in tech. This blog post will compare diversity in tech and engineering. We nearly… Continue reading Women in Tech

Categorized as Technology

DevWorld 2019

I recently attended /Dev/World in Melbourne this week. This is Australia’s only iOS developer conference. Here is my summary of the conference. Themes There were a few themes that gleaned from the talks. These were; Swift is the most talked about language in this space People are still using Objective-C Cross platform remains a hot… Continue reading DevWorld 2019

Right To Left design considerations for mobile apps

We truly live in a global and inter connected society. But have you tested your app using a Right to Left (RTL) language such as Arabic? This blog post is a reflection on some of the design considerations to keep in mind when accomodating this. Why does this matter? Arabic is one of the top… Continue reading Right To Left design considerations for mobile apps