My Approach to Testing

Someone asked me, “do I have a method for generating testing ideas?”. My answer; “I follow an exploratory approach to simultaneously learn, generate and execute test ideas”. This might involve exploring the product a little to learn about how it works, this will feed into questions/ideas and then I might explore some other ideas further.… Continue reading My Approach to Testing

Why bother testing?

As a tester, I don’t practice selling my craft very often. This blog post is an attempt to put together my thoughts when asked the question, “why bother testing?” Let’s talk about bugs When was the last time you used some buggy software? How did it make you feel? Did it cause you to swear… Continue reading Why bother testing?

Running a Bug Bash

For any solo tester out there I recommend leading a regular bug bash/mob testing activity. It’s an activity you can run at the end of a sprint/feature dev cycle. You invite the team, get some snacks/beverages together and get everyone testing for around an hour. Setup You might want to make sure you have good… Continue reading Running a Bug Bash

Agile and Stress

I was having a chat with an old colleague on LinkedIn today (Brian Osman) and we were talking about Agile. The question was, “how does Agile at Tyro differ from <Client>*?” My conclusion was that by focusing on certain “Agile” rituals an artificially high stress environment can be easily created. Here is this conversation: Bosman:… Continue reading Agile and Stress