I’ve been meaning to do some devOps certification for years. But I never finish online classes that I sign up. I don’t know how many unfinished Udemy courses I’ve started. Actually I can tell you. It’s 17 courses that I’ve never finished.
However, recently I finished a graduate diploma in financial advice. So I’ve proven to myself that I can still study. However if it isn’t in a class room situation or group dynamic, I will never sit down and learn anything new.
Table of Contents
Launching DevOps Newbies
So, I started a study group. Called DevOps Newbies. For anyone who wants to chat about what they are learning and need a bit of external accountability.
The idea behind this is to emulate the class room experience. We will meet monthly with an event that should suit most timezones.
Bootcamp courses
I’ve signed myself up for Tech World with Nana’s bootcamp as part of this study and to help give me a bit of structure to my learning. I want to get through AWS certification and may consider google/Azure if time permits.
I don’t expect participants in the meetup to follow the same bootcamp. AWS has some pretty awesome free learning resources in this area.
Why am I doing this?
Test engineers don’t tend to get paid as well as other specialisations in tech. I’m hoping to make a career change into financial advice in 2 to 3 years. I’d like to maximise my savings in the mean time to fund the career change.
Follow along
So follow along as I teach myself some new skills and encourage people to join me along the way. Projects will be going up on github.