Wow, I’m two thirds of the way through my #100DaysOfLinkedIn marketing campaign. Here is an update of how I’ve adapted and grown over that time. You can read up on the launch of the campaign and a halfway through update too.
Table of Contents
2200 connections
Before starting this campaign, I had 1400 connections. I’ve now see this grow to over 2200 at the time of writing this blog. I’ve written to every single one of those 800 new connections. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I’m now up to my third version of a template message. Here it is:
Hi ,
How are you? Thanks for connecting. What are some of the challenges facing you these days?
You might enjoy reading my blog on Soap Opera Testing: there anything I can help you with?
It’s short and sweet. Most people don’t respond but I’ve been able to organise a few key meetings with this approach, organise a few testers Meetup events and score a job with a startup.
Reconnecting with Sydney testers
I have around 200-500 QA/Testing professionals based in Sydney in my network. I’ve been reconnecting with them to see what events they are interested in. Here is my template message reaching out to these people:
Hi ,
Have you been to a Sydney Testers event recently? We’ve got a few events lined up that might interest you:
API Testing at ING on the 4th of April
Performance Testing at the Rockend in St Leonards on the 9th of May
I’d greatly appreciate it if you could share those events with any colleagues who would be interested.
If you can’t make it on the day, I will be streaming these meetups through
What other events would you like to see?
Avoiding Automation
I don’t generally automate these messages because that is against LinkedIn’s terms and conditions. I actually have a Google doc full of these template messages that I copy and paste into LinkedIn and add the person’s name at the start.
5000 connections?
Can I get to 5000 connections? Maybe not by the time I finish this campaign but I will continue to use the techniques learned from this campaign after I finish. If I get to over 5000 connections I will become the most connected software tester that I know.