I started a #100DaysOfLinkedIn Marketing Campaign 45 days ago. The original goal was to see if I could message every single one of my connections that I’ve never spoken to and to see if I could add value. It’s actually morphed a bit since then. One of the biggest things I’ve changed is changing my wording from I to you.
Table of Contents
What do I mean?
When I started this campaign my template message for new connections was very I focused. I used “I” a lot. I spoke about what I was doing and what my passions are. Look, I’m even doing it now. Where as now, I try to avoid using that word and focus on YOU. How can I help YOU? What are YOUR challenges?
Here is my new template message for new connections:
Hi {NAME},
How are you? Thanks for sending the connection request recently. What are some of the challenges facing you these days?
You might enjoy reading some of my blogs:
Have you done any formal training lately? If so, can you help me with some market research by filling in this survey?
You might also like to check out my twitch channel, www.twitch.tv/BugHunterSam . I stream live exploratory testing and invite guests from all over the world to join me.
Is there anything I can help you with?
There’s three new goals with this new template, drive traffic to my blog, collect market research on training and to find people who are interested in coming on my twitch channel. It is 100% pure marketing, there’s nothing salesy about this message.
Looking for a job
If they then turn around and ask, “I’m looking for work, can you help me?” I have a canned response of my general career advice:
Do you mind if I give you my general career advice?
Where are you getting stuck in the job application process? Do you have a good CV? You can check out my CV’s for inspiration:
Unfortunately I don’t have time to review CV’s myself, I recommend fiverr if you are on a budget.
Do you go to networking events? We’ve had huge successes with the Sydney Testers meetup connecting companies and job seekers.
Do you know what you want out of your next job? It can be useful to reflect on this. I last reflected on my career here:
If you need more advice I’d recommend approaching a career coach who has more expertise in this area than me. I’ve partnered with Amy Smith from Aligned Tribe and she has a FREE career program webinar here:
This is starting to get a little salesy, but I’m not pushing my own services. I’d prefer they reach out to a career coach who I’ve partnered with.
Most People don’t read/respond
For example, when I sign my first reach out with:
They always start their response with something like Thanks Samantha/Hi Samantha. It’s safe to assume most people don’t read to comprehend. Or take time to respond. The three to four message response with one sentence per response is really annoying.
Most people don’t respond at all even when you send them a message, that’s fine too. People are busy. I want them to know that they can reach out to me if they think I can help them with something. That first message helps build this even if it’s a canned message.
Continuing the growth
I’ve seen my number of connections go from 1400 to 1676 in 45 days. Every new connection has received a message. That’s on average 6 connections a day. I usually save up the connections for a few days, approve everyone and message all of the new connections in one fell swoop.
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