The future of work

There was a question at last nights Sydney Testers meetup event with James Bach, “What is the future of software testing with AI and automation?” Have a read of “Weapons on Math destruction“, it’s about how big data is driving inequality. I think testers are in a good position to raise questions around the ethics… Continue reading The future of work

Feeling low today

Dear Diary, I woke up feeling tired and low this morning. My alarm went off at 6:30 but rolled over and snoozed until 7:30. I’m meant to be attending the DDD Sydney conference today but the trains were delayed. By the time I got to central station I needed to have a teary in the… Continue reading Feeling low today


{place holder text here} please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations

Knowledge Sharing

please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations

bug bounties

{insert text here} please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations

Bias and race

I’ve been following the online conversations about race (particularly in the US) via AJ+ on facebook. This morning I saw this video shared by AJ+ about a white guy opening up about his prejudice and asking for advice on how to get over it. Now the other day I was going through the train station… Continue reading Bias and race

goal setting for 2018

I’m generally not one to set new year resolutions but it’s a time of year for reflection. At the beginning of this year I set myself 3 main goals; Beat obesity (have a BMI of less than 30) Cut my credit card debt in half Maintain an average daily step count of above 10,000 for… Continue reading goal setting for 2018

Cheats ricotta/paneer

You can make fresh ricotta* (or paneer) cheese from powdered milk. It’s pretty amazing and very easy. You can have fresh cheese in 5 minutes. You will need: Milk powder Boiling water Acid (up to a few tablespoons depending on strength) (e.g. citric acid, lemon juice, vinegar) Cheese cloth/fabric cloth for straining cheese (I reckon… Continue reading Cheats ricotta/paneer