
{place holder text here} please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations

Knowledge Sharing

please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations

bug bounties

{insert text here} please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations

Bias and race

I’ve been following the online conversations about race (particularly in the US) via AJ+ on facebook. This morning I saw this video shared by AJ+ about a white guy opening up about his prejudice and asking for advice on how to get over it. Now the other day I was going through the train station… Continue reading Bias and race

goal setting for 2018

I’m generally not one to set new year resolutions but it’s a time of year for reflection. At the beginning of this year I set myself 3 main goals; Beat obesity (have a BMI of less than 30) Cut my credit card debt in half Maintain an average daily step count of above 10,000 for… Continue reading goal setting for 2018

Cheats ricotta/paneer

You can make fresh ricotta* (or paneer) cheese from powdered milk. It’s pretty amazing and very easy. You can have fresh cheese in 5 minutes. You will need: Milk powder Boiling water Acid (up to a few tablespoons depending on strength) (e.g. citric acid, lemon juice, vinegar) Cheese cloth/fabric cloth for straining cheese (I reckon… Continue reading Cheats ricotta/paneer

My values and goals

Values Experiences over things I enjoy new experiences, this is almost to my detriment. As an example, I find it hard to walk past a new fancy cafe without walking in. I try not to be materialistic and attached to my possessions. I do not achieve this all of the time but it means I… Continue reading My values and goals

Robots Are Cool – Social Enterprise

This is an executive summary of my idea around a social enterprise, this is open for discussion and your feedback/ideas/questions will be greatly appreciated. Mission To create a social enterprise around promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through hands on Robotics workshops. This social enterprise will focus on reaching out to remote and rural… Continue reading Robots Are Cool – Social Enterprise