Job hunting diaries

I’m sitting here feeling like a broken husk of a person. All of the rejections and poor fit roles over my career have got me feeling like I’m completely incapable to work in tech. My self confidence is shot. Kaput. Dead. It doesn’t help that there has been a market downturn, It’s nearly every other… Continue reading Job hunting diaries

Having multiple CV’s

I find myself job hunting again and this time I’ve actually put in the effort to have multiple CV’s. Basically I’m keeping the first page the same but on the second page I have a portfolio for role specific experience. Even though I’m mostly applying for software testing roles, there’s still different specialties in that… Continue reading Having multiple CV’s

Re: The Dark Side of Being a Test Automation Engineer

Sérgio Martins recently wrote and article on The Dark Side of Being a Test Automation Engineer. This blog post is a response to that article. I will be focusing on career growth as a tester here. The 5 points that Sérgio covers are: Blame Magnet Loneliness Feeling undervalued Minimal Wage Compensation Career Growth Easily Capped… Continue reading Re: The Dark Side of Being a Test Automation Engineer

The 1 page CV – revisted

Another year and another iteration of the 1 page CV. Created using Canva. It’s easy to scan and has these embedded links: A Mobile App Test Strategy Improving your testing skills It’s evolved a bit over the years. Here’s 2020’s version and here’s older versions. Would you want to interview me if you saw this… Continue reading The 1 page CV – revisted