My values and goals

Values Experiences over things I enjoy new experiences, this is almost to my detriment. As an example, I find it hard to walk past a new fancy cafe without walking in. I try not to be materialistic and attached to my possessions. I do not achieve this all of the time but it means I… Continue reading My values and goals

Robots Are Cool – Social Enterprise

This is an executive summary of my idea around a social enterprise, this is open for discussion and your feedback/ideas/questions will be greatly appreciated. Mission To create a social enterprise around promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through hands on Robotics workshops. This social enterprise will focus on reaching out to remote and rural… Continue reading Robots Are Cool – Social Enterprise

Workshop ideas

#TurtleRobot This robot will be a basic robot that can be built in less than 30 minutes, preferably 20 minutes the average 10-12 year olds. I haven’t come up with a design yet, this will be one of the first workshops I create next year. The robot will have a pen attached and will be… Continue reading Workshop ideas

Licencing brain dump

The content on my tutoring page, workshop ideas the tech based education tool that I want to create will all be creative commons. My brand and image belong to me (Samantha Connelly). It’s something I’m quite protective and fond of. I feel like I would need to expand my definition of content, I want to… Continue reading Licencing brain dump