Testing your crap

Here are resources for my /NEW tech conference talk. Miro board Slides BogLogger It’s a combo of these two talks. A mobile app test strategy: SwiftUI for Wearables: Further reading Test Strategy: https://bughuntersam.com/a-mobile-app-test-strategy/ A day in the life: https://bughuntersam.com/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-mobile-app-tester/ Metrics and quality: https://bughuntersam.com/metrics-and-quality/ Bug Bashes: https://bughuntersam.com/bug-bashes/ Improving your testing skills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so0OkuVWLS4 Accessiblity Testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWUOKJgch0I Visual… Continue reading Testing your crap

Super Showdown

Slides Super tax saving spreadsheet – simple version Super tax saving spreadsheet – complex version Spending flowchart Inspired by the r/personalfinance wiki.

Meet Parker

A spicey chonky ginger boy. A reserved foster cat. Parker has been in our care since late January. He left our care today. I was hoping to help him find his forever home but instead a recent move has cause him some stress and we are no longer able to foster him. This is a… Continue reading Meet Parker

Tales of fail

Slides for vodQA presentation How I’ve failed I failed school When I started university I enrolled in a combined mechatronics/computer science degree overloaded with a diploma of Japanese. I had graduated high school in the top 3% in my state. I could do anything I wanted at uni. I was always told I was a… Continue reading Tales of fail


Here is a list of boardgames in the office and how to play guides. Access Sam’s full list of games here, and the other half’s collection here. Arboretum Azul Bears Vs Babies Carcassone Cat Lady Cat Tower Codenames Ticket to ride

Public Speaking – notes

Here are notes and further reading for the Public Speaking skills workshop. Miro board link Complicated diagram walkthrough Sample code slides Technical presentations blog Sketchnoting Human Cognition most people don’t read (it takes too much energy).  Reference: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman: Gestalt Principles How to look good on video calls Testing out… Continue reading Public Speaking – notes

My views on FIRE

Financial Independence Retire Early (AKA FIRE) is a movement that’s been taking the internet and high paid young professionals by storm. The idea is fairly simple: maximize your income today maximize your savings for the near future grow an investment portfolio then draw down 4% of your investment portfolio forever However, I think there’s some… Continue reading My views on FIRE

Tech Twitter dumpster fire

Today, tech twitter is complaining about rocks and interview: And there’s a few people wish for an easier way to find #BadTechTweets