Why bother testing?

As a tester, I don’t practice selling my craft very often. This blog post is an attempt to put together my thoughts when asked the question, “why bother testing?” Let’s talk about bugs When was the last time you used some buggy software? How did it make you feel? Did it cause you to swear… Continue reading Why bother testing?


{place holder text here} please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations http://agileaustralia.com.au/2018/

Knowledge Sharing

please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations http://agileaustralia.com.au/2018/

bug bounties

{insert text here} please excuse the blank space I’m preparing these posts to support my agile australia talk as a way to generate online conversations http://agileaustralia.com.au/2018/

Running a Bug Bash

For any solo tester out there I recommend leading a regular bug bash/mob testing activity. It’s an activity you can run at the end of a sprint/feature dev cycle. You invite the team, get some snacks/beverages together and get everyone testing for around an hour. Setup You might want to make sure you have good… Continue reading Running a Bug Bash