Q. Hey Sam, how’s your mental health going?
A. To be honest, it’s been pretty shit. This whole pandemic thing hasn’t been great for my mental wellbeing.
Q. Yeah it’s all been pretty stressful, ay. What’s been bothering you? Would you like to talk about anything specifically?
A. My sleep has been all kinds of fucked up. Feeling tired has gotten to me a few times. There’s been days where I’ve been overwhelmed enough to just sit down and cry for half an hour. I’ve felt better afterwards but I’m struggling to get solid sleep.
Q. Why’s that?
A. I’m not sure, I think there’s been quite a few factors contributing. Getting less exercise means I have a harder time switching off at night. My apartment is so fucking cold, sometimes it takes me hours just to heat up enough to doze off. The lack of seperation of work space and home space means I don’t switch off from work. The low bar anxiety from reading the news/twitter can also keep me scrolling on my phone late into the night. It doesn’t matter how many sleepy bed time meditations I listen to, they just don’t appear to be working like they use to.
Q. Is there anything I can help you with?
A. Can you remind me to go buy an electric blanket? Do you think I should get one online or go into a store?
Q. Sure, whatever works for you. Has there been anything that’s helped you cope during these social isolation times?
A. It’s so fucking nice to have a cat in the house. My new housemate came with one. There’s been a few times I’ve overwhelmed with happy tears having the cat sit on my lap for some nice warm pats.
Q. It’s such a fluffy kitty. What about taking a break from social media?
A. I would like to try fixing one thing at a time, make a small change, measure if it helps and then go from there.
Q. No problem, is there anything else you’d like to talk about?
A. Nah I’m cool for now, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Thanks
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